Thursday, 14 March 2013

Life Drawing - 13/03/13

Here are some life drawing pieces I did this week. We had a great model and she was albe to do some great dynamic short poses which I am proud of.

1 Min Drawings 

10 Min Drawings

5 min Memory Drawing

15 Min 

30 min

I definitely think that I have improved so much since when I started life drawing. I can't wait to do more and start collecting some great pieces to put in my portfolio.  

Monday, 11 March 2013

Patsy Colour Script (Work in Progress)

So After tackling the main bulk of the animatic and the story I have started to look at the way that colour will play a vital role in the narrivitve of the story. So I looked at the way that feauture length films use colour scripts and the simple design in them and the way they comunicate more of the colour of the mood of each scene. like these from the increibles below.

here are some of the ones that I have started to work on to help illustrate the mood and feel.


Friday, 8 March 2013

Patsy Animatic 08/03/13

Here is one of the lastest versions of the animatic that I have been working on after being given feedback from last wednesday. I wanted to make the ending clearer. So you could see more of what what going on. I think it has a better pace to it as well and doesn't feel like it is rushing too much. The rough sound edit as well makes the story feel richer. I am pleased with the progression of this animatic.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Land and Power Animation (Work in Progress)

So I have been working on a shot for Land and Power. It  has been a long time coming as getting pre-production for Patsy took priority. But I managed to sit down and work on this shot again. I did post some progress a while back and I got some feedback from the director.  As it was not going to be cut out the lines didn't need to be so thick as they used to be so I have gone through and made the lines thinner and the character more on model now that the final character design has been nailed. I am pleased with how this is progressing and I hope to get it fully finished soon.


Patsy Animatic 06_03_2013

I havn't blogged in a couple weeks so I feel bad. So I'm going to try and get myself back into the routine of it again

Over the past few weeks I have started storyboarding the new script of Patsy. I was given a script that Marc had worked on and then I was given the oppertunity to rewrite it. This was interesting as I don't often write the scripts for projects and such. But I digress. I have started to take more of a story director form of role on the project where as Marc is now taking the more technical side of things and organising people to help out on the film.  While he has been doing that I have been taking the re worked script and boarding it all out. I have to admit that even after all these months of re works I am still really enjoying storyboarding. I think that working at A Productions for that week really helped my drawing skills and helped make me draw more dynamic storyboard frames. Which will help communicate the way that the story begins to change.

Below is the first full animatic I have cut and edited. After looking back at it within the feedback session I have noticed how quick alot of the shots are. I think I was a little too harsh with my cutting as I was trying to make it as short as possible. I think that I will spend some more time working on the timing. I will also spend some time looking at the final scene where he pushes him to give it more of an impact.