So this morning I have been working on my backgrounds. I wanted the owl to be interviewed in the trees at night. To go with the theme of the "Nightlife of Falmouth" So I had a little search round to find some references of trees at night.
From these Images I was able to get an idea of what a tree would look like if I was to design it at night. I thought I would use mixed media to create my background. So I sketched out the idea and then took my trusty Watercolours to it. I was really pleased with the out come.

After taking the images into Photoshop this is where it began to get interesting. I cut out the images and arranged them in layers. From which I could give certain branches different levels of blur as if the animation was actually being caught on a real camera. I am really liking this background and think that I might work on it more. Although I like it as it is.
Final Colour Concept